• Gift / Fathers Day

    Star Wars: Darth Vader Father Of The Year

    StarWars-DarthVader-FatherOfTheYear-Tshirt $20

    I'm asking this genuinely - what are the requirements for Father of the Year? Darth Vader has a pretty solid list of accomplishments. First of all, he abandoned both of his children, after accidentally force choking his wife.. which led to her untimely death (RIP Natalie Portman). Later in life, he cut off his own son Luke's hand, in a strange attempt to convince him to join the dark side, and fulfill his monstrously evil plan to rule the galaxy.

    To be fair, he had a pretty rough go of things after a vast majority of his body was melted prior to being transformed into the part-human/part-cyborg Darth Vader. Was he the best dad in the world? Maybe not, but that's not important. If Father of the Year is defined by how many planets you destroyed with your new Death Star technology.. then by all means he's a strong contender.



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    Why should you buy one? What makes it a good Father's Day gift?

    If pops hasn't outwardly expressed his love for all things Star Wars, it's simply because he's hiding it from you. Every man close in age to Harrison Ford has at one point in time, pretended to be Han Solo. On top of that, there's something just incredibly gnarly about the greatest, most recognizable villain in movie history, Darth Vader. Ironic Star Wars shirts are the clothing equivalent of hard cash - accepted and appreciated everywhere, by everyone.

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